Certified Shadow Work Facilitators, Coaches and Practitioners in the UK

UK certified Shadow Work Practitioners, Coaches and Facilitators

Every shadow work practitioner listed below has qualified after undertaking the demanding Healing the Shadow Practitioner Training Course. (You can read more about this here.)

Healing the Shadow (HTS) is an organisation which offers an extended training scheme devoted to certifying women and men as coaches who have demonstrated real competence and sensitivity in working with clients using the tools of shadow work. Shadow work is a profoundly effective form of counselling and therapy which gets results fast. Here are our certified practitioners:

Marianne Hill – Shadow Work Coach and Facilitator

I have been working deeply with the shadow with individuals, couples and groups for the last fifteen years. Before this I worked as a relationships counsellor and bodywork practitioner. In 2018,  I founded Healing The Shadow and combined my three passions of shadow work, body work and relationship work to create the Healing The Shadow modality that I now practice and teach. I work as lead trainer on the two year Healing The Shadow training programme and I also work with individuals, couples and groups in my purpose built studio in Frome, Somerset in the UK.

I am passionately committed to providing a safe and deeply healing space for my clients. I work in an embodied and relational way, which enables us to explore together the roots of your trauma and to bring healing, care and understanding to that part of you. I work either in deep diving five hour sessions, or in regular weekly, fortnightly or monthly two hour sessions. 

The work is flexible and adaptable and I work with a wide range of clients on their healing journeys. I particularly specialise in working with the Inner Child, healing childhood trauma including boarding school trauma, abandonment wounds, physical, sexual and emotional abuse, racial trauma and trauma around sexual identity and gender identity.

Website: www.healingtheshadow.co.uk
Phone:    +44 (0)1373 300 749
Email:  MarianneHillShadowWork@gmail.com

Rod Boothroyd – Shadow Work Coach & Therapist

I like the expression “coach” because it sums up an important aspect of any therapeutic work: that the coach or therapist is only there to bring out what is already present in the client. And I believe this, the bringing out, is best done by providing a person centred, respectful and compassionate place where we journey together as equals on an exploration of what can unfold for you. Of course, techniques and tools are an essential part of this work, and I am fortunate to have discovered the tools, processes and coaching methods of shadow work after training as a psychotherapist.

So now, my approach to coaching in shadow work centers on several aspects of the shadow. First, we work together to heal the wounds of childhood in every Archetype. Second, I act as a companion and guide on an inner journey as you find, explore and express your hidden, repressed or denied power and potency in the world. And third, together we work on exploring your unconscious shadows, and then we find ways to heal them and strengthen the power and potency of your Sovereign, the leader within you.

I’ve worked with hundreds of men and women in groups and one to one settings over the past few years, in particular bringing my training in psychotherapy to complement my vast experience and training in working with the shadow.

Websites: www.takeyourpower.co.uk
Phone:  +44 (0)7788 502 902
Email:   rod@takeyourpower.co.uk

Dan Hartley

It’s both humbling and a privilege to support people through the practice of shadow work;  I’m passionate about supporting people to live their best lives. I have a background in youth and community work and have been involved in men’s work for over 15 years. I’m currently serving as the Chief Operating Officer for the UK charity abandofbrothers and am a qualified men’s coach. I am proud, through this work, to mentor and support younger men to make positive and lasting changes in their lives. I see shadow work as one of the best modalities for helping people let go of limiting beliefs, heal old wounds and transform the conditioning and stories that hold them back from fully claiming the life and relationships they deserve.

Area: East Sussex
Contact: danhartley76@gmail.com

Ali Kirk - Shadow coach and therapistAli Kirk 

I offer personal development work and specialise in the exploration and transformation of inner conflict and difficulty. My approach is rooted in Depth Psychology, the Jungian concept of the shadow, and the way in which aspects held in shadow can have a huge influence on the way we experience and move through our day to day life and relationships. I’m passionate about helping men and women find inner peace and greater connection and truth within themselves and with each other. Although dialog is essential in any compassionate inquiry or exploration, in our work together we don’t just talk. You will experience aspects of yourself and your limiting patterns through embodiment of those aspects in facilitated shadow work and parts work experiential process, allowing you to access sub-conscious thoughts, feelings and emotions that are driving your patterns or behaviours, and experience those dynamics that are unconsciously playing out within you.  You will be invited into relationship with yourself in a different way, and step into dialogue with yourself on a deeper level.

This process can be extremely shame-lifting as you begin to realise that the challenges that you experience are not because you are broken or flawed in some way, but because there is a part of you that needs your attention. I believe that there are no bad parts and that inner shifts come from transforming parts that are causing us problems through working with the burdens, responsibilities, beliefs and emotions that they carry. This work holds the potential for deep personal growth, and deep healing and you are welcome to use it as a component of your regular personal development, or as a place to dive real deep into difficulty and challenge, shame or guilt, your grief, fear or rage. The holding I offer you is both sensitive and strong, and you are invited to bring anything you wish to our work together.

Shadow work is a beautiful way of approaching your inner experience and working with those things you want to change. It is a deep, sensitive and safe way of working with all manner of issues even when you have no idea how or where to begin. Please take a look at my website where you can find out more about me, how I work and what to expect in a sessionSessions in Hereford & Abergavenny, and Online via Zoom

Website: www.inner-truth.co.uk
Phone: 07792 405 660
Email: ali@inner-truth.co.uk

Sue Rayner

I have seen for myself how shadow work can heal emotional wounds as I’ve been working with Marianne for some time now. I have recently completed a Certificate in Counselling Skills at the University of the West of England and am a fully qualified Healing The Shadow practitioner.

I am also a qualified teacher and taught Reception and Key Stage 1 children for seventeen years. I have been a freelance Education Consultant since 2011 and work with local authorities, primary schools and early years settings in the South West and South Wales. In September 2020 I became a Listening Volunteer for Samaritans and am now part of the Volunteer Support Team and a mentor for new Samaritans.

Area: Bristol
Phone: 07545 285655
Email: sue.rayner27@gmail.com

Francisco Cabeza West

My keen interest is helping people to light up, feel energised and fully alive which tends to involve making peace with their unresolved past. Shadow work has been one of the tools that has accompanied me on my experiences of working with adult survivors of child abuse and as part of end of life care for the terminally ill. What greater way to help someone than to facilitate the change that they want to be in the world at the time that they are ready to do so. Since 2016 I have been working with young men involved and at risk of being involved in the criminal justice system by mentoring and supporting them to live a life free of crime to one full of meaning, purpose and connection with the communities they live in. This continues to be a truly rewarding experience to witness these young men grow and transform positively.
Since graduating with a Masters in Peace and Reconciliation Studies in 2004 I have continued to research and undertake trainings in the different methods available to heal the wounds of personal and collective trauma. Being a Healing the Shadow Practitioner complements all the other modalities available to me in supporting individuals to cultivate renewed perspectives and apply these in the next cycle of their lives.
Areas: East and West Midlands (all counties) and On-line
Telephone: 07894 401733
Email: franciscocabezawest@gmail.com

Richard Martyn 

I offer clients individual sessions, either in Bristol, at my place in West Gloucestershire, or online. I have worked with the shadow for 6 years and experienced for myself the transformative power of shadow work and shadow coaching. In a previous career, I was a professional in industry, but now I work to bring the healing power of shadow work to other people. I am particularly adept at creating a safe environment where we can explore together the most vulnerable parts of yourself.

Phone:  07816 310 803 
Email:  richardmartynhts@gmail.com
Website: www.shadowworkforest.uk

Conroy Harris

Conroy has a background in mental health, and has worked in the voluntary sector for over 25 years. During that time, he has trained not only as a Healing The Shadow Practitioner, but also as a group facilitator, running Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) groups. His other work includes presenting training courses  within the voluntary sector on topics such as equality, inclusion and diversity, challenging behaviour, and CBT and managing depression. Conroy has also trained as a Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) teacher, and is a trainer and supervisor with Oxford Mindfulness Centre, a part of Oxford University. Conroy is also working with Olivier Mythodrama as a coach, and is currently developing a new and innovative approach to equality, inclusion and diversity training, which has been a lifelong passion.

Area: Oxford
email: conroy.harris@hotmail.com
Telephone: 07867 785809

Rachel J. Mitchell 

Rachel J Mitchell is a warm and empathetic Shadow Work Facilitator based in Bristol working with individuals with the focus of creating a safe collaborative space. She believes that each individual holds the answers and the deepest wisdom within themselves for their own personal healing and is delighted to offer a shame free respectful space to assist them on healing and exploring their shadows. Rachel is in regular supervision and welcomes LGBTQIA+ clients, as well as clients from all ethnic backgrounds to her practice. 

Email:    Racheljmitchell88@gmail.com
Website: www.shadowworkbristol.co.uk

Laura Stoddart 

I work one to one with people who are searching for healing from trauma, to address issues with anger, for understanding of what is true for them, or simply for a stronger sense of emotional well-being.  This work has the potential to bring about profound transformation.  It gently shifts our inner realities and brings about long term, deep changes in our relationship with the world around us – both personal and professional. When I started my journey as a client, the important thing about Healing The Shadow sessions for me was the safety and lack of shame that I experienced over many hours of one to one and group work.  I bring this approach into my practice of one to one work by combining deep sensitivity, respect and care for the inner world of my clients with the powerful and effective Healing The Shadow processes.  I live and work in South Devon. I also offer sessions in Frome, and online via zoom.

Phone: 07854 374 130
Email:  laurashadowhealing@gmail.com
Website: www.shadowworkdevon.co.uk



Individual Shadow Work in the USA & Other Countries

 You can find a list of shadow work coaches and facilitators who work in the USA and other countries by searching on Google.com for “Shadow Work USA”, “Shadow Work Germany”, and so on. 

What is shadow work?

The term “shadow work” has been used by many people over the years to refer to various kinds of coaching, therapy, and counselling. But we think of “shadow work” as most usefully describing the techniques used to explore and heal the hidden and repressed parts of ourselves which lie in the unconscious mind.

The word “healing” refers in this context to the therapeutic work we can do together to address the emotional “wounds” of childhood. These wounds are the life events which resulted in each and every one of us putting parts of ourselves into shadow, out of sight, in our unconscious minds. These parts of us, even in shadow, can impact every aspect of our life, and they can – and do – cause emotional, practical and existential difficulties of various kinds in our adult life. These are the shadows to which Carl Jung referred in his pioneering work on emotional health and well-being.

Over the years a number of practitioners and organisations have suggested that their individual approach to therapy and shadow coaching are what constitutes “shadow work”. However, the term shadow work is more generally regarded as a generic term for counselling or therapy which focuses on both the exploration of a client’s shadow side, and also on the work undertaken to bring those repressed energies back into balance so they can be expressed in a healthy and fully functional way.

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